Video: Aerodynamics in Vintage Cars?
When one starts to travel around during the summer, you’ll notice how much fuel efficiency you get on your trips. Well, we think about these things, and aerodynamics too! But are today’s cars better than it’s predecessors? Well, here’s a vintage car that might bend the rules a bit. Wired.com – Source What makes the…
Tips: Extend the Life of Your Car
A new vehicle today is the second largest investment you will probably make in your life. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics: “From 2008 to 2012, the average age of U.S. households’ vehicles increased as owners held on to their cars, trucks, and vans longer. The trend in aging autos coincides with declines in…
Article: Travel By Car With Your Animal Companion
Summer is a time for travelling, outdoor activities, and fun outdoor gathering. Most likely if you have a pet, your pet is going to want to join in the fun too! But if you have tried to take your pet companion along with you, you know that it can be a hassle. Here’s some tips…
Article: Evolution of Auto Air Conditioning
We’re starting to get into some of the hotter days of summer, and today we wanted to reflect back on one of those things we often take for granted when the summer heats up. It took a while before air conditioning in cars became perfected to the state that they are today. Here’s an article…
Happy Fourth from Dabler Auto Body!
Happy Independence day from Dabler Auto Body. We recently held our 50th Anniversary Party, so make sure you check out the photo gallery and the video. We also helped sponsor the 9th Annual Farmers Insurance and ServiceMaster of Salem Charity Golf Classic. Not only did were we a main sponsor, but our team were the…
Video: Top Ten Car Hacks
Here are some very creative but effective car hacks out of everyday items. Who knew that toothpaste could clear up those foggy front headlights? Here’s an article from LifeHacker.com, with another video to follow, enjoy! Top 10 DIY Car Hacks Kevin Purdy 2/27/08 12:00pm Take a look at all the devices in your life, and…
The Power of Our Customer’s Voices: Review Dabler
As with any local small business, word of mouth and online reviews are an essential part of what drives the health of Dabler Auto Body. When our customers talk, we listen! We are very proud of our review history on all of the social review platforms that we participate in. Here, take a look: Facebook…
Article: A technology on the fast track: 3-D printed cars
Source – Andrew Zaleski – CNBC.com It was the last Monday of March, and the McLaren Formula 1 racing team needed a new rear car wing. Over the weekend, the team competed in the Australian Grand Prix, the opening race of the 2017 Formula 1 season. The next race, in China, was less than two weeks away,…
The Sun: Protect Your Car’s Finish
It’s getting into May, and the sun is starting to show itself more and more in the Willamette Valley. Your car’s paint finish breathes and even has pores! In the hot sun the paint’s pores expand and can absorb more dirt and moisture. This means increased rates of damage to your car’s paint finish, and that’s no good!…
Article: 7 ways auto technology impacts drivers, consumers & insurers
Tom Rubenacker – propertycasualty360.com – Source Automotive technology is evolving faster than ever before. Semi- and fully-autonomous vehicles are on the horizon, car-sharing has become the norm, and consumers expect their insurance to be capable of adjusting premiums based on real-time driving feedback. All of these issues are having a fundamental impact on the driving…